Royal Selection
The Royal Select caviar comes from a selection by our staff in our laboratories. The biggest and finest grains are selected from Baerii of different origins, raised in huge tanks fed by river water. Inside, the sturgeons can move freely, giving a caviar poor in fat and rich in calcium and potassium thanks to the quality of the water. With a rather firm texture, this caviar of dark colour bursts with power on the palate. Little salty, it has a very sweet taste and releases a delicious nutty flavor in the mouth. In addition, the Royal Select enjoys an exceptional quality/price ratio, while being able to compete without complex with the best caviars on the market.
Top Selection - Imperial Gold
The "Imperial Gold" caviar is a selection of a caviar from a hybrid species: Huso Dauricus & Acipenser Schrenckii, from China. The fish are raised in Sino-Russian lakes at the edge of the Amur River and enjoy the space to move freely. Therefore, they burn their surplus fat which gives us the pleasure of enjoying the firmness of their grain. The sturgeon, fed in captivity produces thus a semi-wild caviar.
The final preparation of this caviar is made by our Iranian expert with 30-years' experience in the field. Mr Razavi himself makes regular trips to make his selection and production. The peculiarity of this caviar is that we find the salty taste of the wild caviar. The selection guarantees a very rare caviar with its golden color, big loose grains, firm texture and lengthy aftertaste.
Top Selection - Oscietra
The Oscietra comes from the species Acipenser Gueldenstaedtii (also known as the Russian sturgeon) from different origins (China, Uruguay, Italy, ...). These sturgeons grow in a natural environment in lakes and dams of great depths, and at maturity, they produce a caviar comparable in quality with the wild Oscietra caviar. Its eggs are quite light in color, sometimes with golden highlights. On the palate, it develops seafood flavors with a nutty taste and is popular with good-taste lovers.
Top Selection
Our Top Selection comes from the species Huso Dauricus, Acipenser schrenckii or sometimes their hybrid. The sturgeons are fed in captivity, but first raised in a deep natural lake in China, producing a semi-wild caviar. As they enjoy the space to move freely, they burn their surplus fat and give a caviar with firm grains selected under the watchful eye of Iranian experts, specially dispatched on site for their expertise.
The species Schrenckii can be considered as a great achievement, the fruit of over 15 years of research and development. The Dauricus (also known as Kaluga) comes from a branch that can be said to be more majestic, because relative to the famous Beluga. A natural and protected environment with sophisticated farming techniques was the birthplace for the hybrid of these two species that gives us a subtle caviar, with a texture, colour and flavour comparable to the prestigious Beluga.
The peculiarity of these caviars is that we find the salty taste of the wild caviar. They will delight the palate of the most discerning gourmets at a low cost.
Baerii Classic
The species Baerii is the most popular caviar in Europe and in the world, because it comes from a sturgeon living in the rivers that adapts well to captivity and at all latitudes. It is found in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Finland, China, France (under the name of Aquitaine), ... Originally from Siberia, it is one of the smallest sturgeons, its weight rarely exceeding 10 kilos.
The Baerii caviar is close in appearance and texture to the grain of the Sevruga caviar. It is cheaper without forfeiting either the eye nor the palate. Medium to small size, its gray to light gray eggs joyously burst in the mouth, leaving a sweet, nutty flavor.